

今天在 Google Reader 上读到《Root causes in Tibet》跟着读到华盛顿邮报上 Abrahm Lustgarten 的《What They're Really Fighting for in Tibet》,写得还有点意思。

“The Chinese had taken sledgehammers to large swaths of Lhasa's historic streets -- narrow cobblestone alleys pinned in by 400-year-old whitewashed buildings. They replaced entire neighborhoods with hastily built office buildings and dreary shops with all the hospitality of self-storage units. A $10 million shopping complex, its five stories bedecked in glass and billboards of scantily clad underwear models, opened blocks from the Jokhang. (The complex was torched in the protests.) Chinese dominated all sectors of the economy; they sold all the fruit, drove most of the taxis and mined all the minerals. And finally, in July 2006, the acclaimed Qinghai-Tibet railway opened for service, a transformation that released the floodgates.”
不知道别人的感觉如何,我读完这段的印象是全中国的人民(The Chinese)都扛着大锤到拉萨去砸那儿的街道去了。先不说在中国藏人也是 Chinese,他们还享有一些一般的汉人没有的权益,现在在中国并非只有汉人去拉萨,在北京的街上也同样有新疆人卖烤羊肉串、开店,即使汉人在拉萨垄断了水果和计程车生意,这也都是“Chinese”的错吗?不尽然吧?中国不应该修青藏铁路,而应该让西藏在高原上呆着,让藏人永远生活在与世隔绝的“香格里拉”幻境?

也许有很多在西藏发生了的事情不应该发生,拉萨的街道应该保有西藏的人文风格,但是这恐怕是当地政府的失责更多些。许多事按照美国这个民主社会的准则应该靠法律法规来解决,而不是靠杀人、放火。否则的话,北京人也可以到前门大街上放火烧了 KFC 的店了。中国有无穷多的事可以做得更好,包括政府对于人权的态度,急待改进。但是,杀人放火就是杀人放火,怎么修饰也还是杀人放火。
“China has consistently pursued a policy of "taming" its far-flung western regions through economic and ethnic assimilation. It has crafted tax incentives to encourage Han business owners to move west from eastern cities and has loosened migration rules. "Go West, Young Han" is the clarion call of the times. Chinese state-run firms have staffed large construction projects such as the railway and even local road building with Han Chinese contractors and crews, who send their earnings home.”
不知道文章的作者有没有跟汉人聊过这个问题,不知道有多少汉人愿意离乡背井到西藏高原去生活。至少我这个 Chinese 如果要下决心到西藏去安家的话,绝对不会是一个轻易的决定。中国是有鼓励去西藏投资的政策,不过即便如此,我想这种政策鼓励的不是“汉人”而是“资本”。如果西方真的关心藏人的福祉,在高喊人权和宗教自由口号的同时,不如也鼓励一下外面世界的资本到西藏去。我想那才是真正对于生活在西藏的藏人的关爱。

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